Thursday, October 16, 2008

Random Calm

Something will work out. I’ve a feeling it will. Fate seems to be taking me in even stranger directions. As individuals, each of us is extremely isolated, while at the same time we are all linked by a prototype memory. I thank God for this opportunity. Somethings we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away. They remain with us, forever, like a touchstone.

It’s hard to distinguish between dreams and reality. Something to calm down. How he was able to unearth them, I’ve no idea. It was a moment frozen in time. I can’t get that scene out of my mind. It seems like forever – time, driving me to the edge of the world. Color had returned to the world around me. It was all too strange and all too sudden. I cried quietly, without making a sound.

It was as if these were things he had to get through, so he just did them. Inside himself. I feel like I left a part of my soul in those woods.

Nope. These are not words from my mind. These belong to Richard Bach. These are lines picked at random from one chapter of his latest book – Curious Lives (Ferrets Chronicles)

Though I must admit that I couldn’t get past even four chapters from this famous writer’s latest book on ferrets and a world beyond the ordinary! Im a huge fan of his Bridges Across Forever. I’ve pages and pages of text marked as one of the best examples of romantic tension and emotional dialogue writing. But somehow this book fails to deliver. So what did I do with it? Just picked out random lines and Voila! They seem to make sense, albeit in a lofty way – but sense…they make. If seen from a perspective of plain happenstance. Somehow those words above have a calming influence over my at-times hyper nerves. So for that and hoping it will bring you some solace too…these lines find a way into my blog.

Aah! The Wonder of Random-ness!

1 comment:

Teesu (very very Indian, very very good) said...

SO strange the way dreams weave in and out of our waking moments. They sometimes really give us food for thought.The subconscious mind is sometimes much more intelligent...