Thursday, January 29, 2009

Yawn & a Four...!

Yaaaaawwwwwnnnnn....! That should just about account for the last fortnight of silence.

Okay here goes...

Slumdog Millionaire - Well made, clever film. As for content - OK. This too is just a film. And Rahman has given us some wonderful scores in our very own Tamil films, Thank you very much... so the Oscar will be a recognition of his collective brilliance.

Subramaniapuram - Does anyone even wanna know what I think when the film has collected over 12 crores...? An excellent directorial debut, yes...but the film was toooo long and I felt the length. Very good BGM by James and good film-making standards. But hey, since when have we applauded for just the basics, I say?!! A good film, most surely not a great one. As I said earlier, good is also hard to come by these days.

Mama Mia - This film is a music video. And Meryl Streep is not my favorite actress for nothing! She is so very active - at this age...! her take a hop, leap and high jump into the lake - FIT is how she FIT as her is how I will want to be at her age! Not much to say for the film though!

A Wednesday - Again late in the day. But I took my time with this one. Great Cast. Good acting. Good concept. Average execution. Excellent meeting point for Kher & Shah...! Wished the writing could have been better. Liked the shots that built up to Nasseruddin Shah's pov on the terrace and of course, his stupendous 'common man' act.